People Fall in Love

30 Aug 2018
We are united in making education sustainable by placing creativity at its heart, we want children and young people to fall in love with learning, but there are some things we need to re-think.’
The poem and film People Fall in Love is a clarion call for the world to reconsider an approach to learning – not one that commoditises education and stifles creativity to everybody’s cost – please share this powerful and beautifully shot film with your contacts and networks if you believe that we need to #ReThinkEducation via a #CreativeRevolution.
The film was commissioned by Penny Hay, Director and Co-Founder of 5x5x5=creativity, School Without Walls and Forest of Imagination, as a gift for Sir Ken Robinson.
People Fall in Love has been created in response to the current education system, which does not prioritise human flourishment and is failing our children. Toby celebrates the views of 5x5x5=creativity’s Patron Sir Ken Robinson, whose TED Talk, ‘Do schools kill creativity?’ is the most watched TED Talk of all time.
People Fall in Love is a creative manifesto, Toby Thompson makes a personal and universal comment on the state of education, drawing on the wisdom of Sir Ken Robinson, the media and his own experience in the British education system.
Toby, is a creative champion for young people. In People Fall in Love he explores and expresses these ideas in his chosen art form, spoken word. Toby reflects the ethos of 5x5x5=creativity that supports every young persons’ creative potential – we offer it to you, the best way we can, through the unique creativity of a young person.
Sir Ken Robinson: “Imagination is the source of every form of human achievement. Too often it is demeaned and diminished by dominant systems of education. Given the many global challenges we face, education doesn’t need to be reformed – it needs to be transformed. The key to this transformation is not to standardise education, but to personalise it: to create environments where young people want to learn and where they can discover and develop their own talents and passions.”
Penny Hay: “The danger of the current education system places too much emphasis on: performance, accountability and league tables and not enough emphasis on the meaning of education, which is to bring out everyone’s potential to flourish in their own unique way.
“The system is outdated, a utilitarian structure based on a factory model that churns children out in ways that deny them their basic human rights. Rather than acknowledge that children and young people develop and learn differently – the system puts them into boxes and is a transmission model rather than an invitation to learn – they will never fall in love with learning this way.”
Directed by Buster Grey-Jung and Stroma Cairns and funded by Arts Council England this compelling and captivating film speaks to our hearts as well as our minds.
Sir Ken Robinson, Penny Hay and Toby Thompson invite you to be part of the #CreativeRevolution a virtual call to arms to #ReThinkEducation.
Please watch, enjoy and, most importantly, if you recognise how vital this message is to future generations and our wider society – please share widely.
Directed by Buster Grey-Jung & Stroma Cairns
Written & Performed by Toby Thompson
Edited by Stroma Cairns
Sound by Josh Grey-Jung