Explore: The Hideaway a House of Imagination

26 Jun 2017
Students from the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering at the University of Bath have collaborated, alongside architects from Bath-based, architectural and urban design practice, FCB Studios, engineering consultants and specialists, Buro Happold and Bath University Teaching Fellow, Toby Lewis BSC MA RIBA to create a series of unique bespoke installations.
The Hideaway is a House of Imagination for artists, storytellers, musicians and dancers. It takes the form of a sweeping timber crescent as a sister piece to a large fallen tree, defining a central play space within a glade of trees. It is clad on the outside in local felled timber shingles and presents itself as an ordered, protective hide.
The bedrock of the Forest of Imagination is collaboration; the students and businesses were given a brief to create a series of unique Houses of Imagination and build them in Bushey Norwood to be used as workshop spaces for all of the unique artists of Forest of Imagination.
This year’s Forest of Imagination will connect people to nature in a variety of wild and imaginative ways. Forest is open from June 30th until July 2nd from 10am to 6pm every day. Forest of Imagination is free to all.
For directions to Forest check here.